Looking for a more client-oriented service? A service recommended by many as honest, respectful, reliable, patient and understanding? Then look no further.

If you are already certified, you have the right to change your Certification Body for any reason.

With competitive quotes receiving a thumbs up from Clients, we make the process of transferring completely hassle-free with no excessive paperwork. We do it all for you.

So long as your Certification is current, all you need to do to have MSC Global become your Certification Body, is to call us and seek a quote.

We will go through the application form with you and make sure we have all your correct details, and we will provide you with a quote with our Client Agreement form. If you are happy with the quote, you just need to complete and return our Client Agreement form.

You won’t have to contact your original Certification Body because we will handle all of the correspondence with it and put things in place to audit your Systems by the due date.